Find out where the funds were used.
The list below contains an extract of the donations made by the proWIN Foundation. In addition, the proWIN Foundation has supported numerous aid projects of a personal nature, which we have refrained from publishing here.
No project has yet been funded in the current year.
Doctors Without Borders is a humanitarian organization that provides emergency medical aid in more than 70 countries worldwide.
aktionkinderschutz e.V. aims to sustainably reduce the number of cases of abuse and violence against children.
"Arche Herzensbrücken" is a non-profit organization that enables families with seriously ill children to take affordable time out together.
In July 2024, we supported the important work of the Caritas Baby Hospital with a donation of 500 euros.
The Child Protection Association works under the motto "Together for the future of all children" as a lobby for children.
The proWIN Children's Foundation has once again supported an important project with great conviction.
The Förderverein für krebskranke Kinder Tübingen offers support to children with cancer and their families.
The Fondation Autisme Luxembourg (FAL) has been supporting people with autism and their families since it was founded in 1996.
Help without Frontiers is a non-profit organization that supports children and young people in need in the border region between Burma/Myanmar and Thailand.
On May 8, 2024, we were able to make a particularly significant contribution: the proWIN Foundation presented Herzkinder Österreich with a generous donation cheque for EUR 10,000.
Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe is active in social and charitable areas.
For many years, our foundation has been committed to supporting children who have been traumatized by abuse, violence and neglect.
Support for children and families in need
KINDERHILFE CHILLAN mainly supports projects in Togo/Africa.
Kinderhilfe e.V. Saar is involved in a number of projects to promote the well-being and future prospects of children in difficult circumstances.
This non-profit organization cares for and supports seriously ill children and young people. It also helps their families and provides advice and support.
A current project of the Winterberg Children's Hospital, which we were able to support as the proWIN Foundation, is the purchase of a so-called giraffe incubator for the neonatal ward.
We are pleased to announce another significant step in our support of educational institutions worldwide.
Leergeld Amsterdam is committed to ensuring that children and young people from low-income families have the same opportunities as their peers.
In April 2024, the proWIN Foundation once again donated EUR 20,000 to support orphans in Kenya.
McDonald's Kinderhilfe operates Ronald McDonald Houses near children's hospitals throughout Germany as temporary homes for families of seriously ill children.
Support for children, young people and families in difficult times
The Pelicano Foundation is determined to combat child poverty and supports children in Belgium who suffer from difficult living conditions.
The proWIN Foundation is pleased to support the Peter Maffay Foundation with a donation of 86,660 euros as part of the "Your VAT benefit for a good cause" project.
For 20 years now, the Saarland radio station Radio Salü and its association RADIO SALÜ Wir helfen e.V. have been tirelessly supporting children and young people in need.
The RAINBOWS association supports children and young people in turbulent times such as separation, divorce or the death of close relatives.
The "Playing at home" project of the SOS Children's Villages association helps to promote child development.
Laughter and joy for sick children.
The Schattenkinder e.V. association is passionately committed to helping children and young people who have experienced sexual abuse and urgently need trauma therapy.
Saarbrücken Hospital: improved care for young patients.
Solidarity campaign of the Maximilian-Kolbe schools under the motto "Children help children".
The proWIN Foundation is pleased to support the Peter Maffay Foundation with a donation of 86,660 euros as part of the "Your VAT benefit for a good cause" project.
UNICEF and its partners are working during the war in Ukraine to respond to the rapidly increasing need for humanitarian aid.
The proWIN Foundation is pleased to support the Peter Maffay Foundation with a donation of 86,660 euros as part of the "Your VAT benefit for a good cause" project.
Due to the war in Ukraine, the KinderHerz Foundation has set up its own aid fund.
"Arche Herzensbrücken" is a non-profit organization that enables families with seriously ill children to take affordable time out together.
The Bundesverband Kinderhospiz e.V. (German Children's Hospice Association) is the authority for counseling and care for children with life-limiting illnesses and their families.
The Afridunga support association wants to give children a perspective for their future.
The Förderverein für krebskranke Kinder Tübingen offers support to children with cancer and their families.
Hilfe für verletzte Kinder-Seelen offers children's grief groups for traumatized children and adolescents.
The proWIN Foundation is pleased to support the Peter Maffay Foundation with a donation of 86,660 euros as part of the "Your VAT benefit for a good cause" project.
The Red Wedge Network is committed to children's rights and child welfare.
The association Schutzengel e.V. supports social institutions that look after the welfare of children in cases of abuse and violence.
VEREIN(t) gegen Rett e.V. helps to raise awareness of Rett syndrome and to help those affected.
aktionkinderschutz e.V. aims to sustainably reduce the number of cases of abuse and violence against children.
AUS-ZEIT vom Trauma" is aimed at a group of 7-10 young people aged 13 and over who live in families with post-traumatic stress.
Don Bosco Mondo e.V. is a non-governmental organization for international development cooperation.
Hand on Heart e.V. offers help for children in Cameroon.
Herzenssache e. V., the children's aid campaign of SWR, SR and Sparda-Bank, is committed to helping children and young people in southwest Germany.
Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe is active in social and charitable areas.
Catholic Family Care is helping families in need to overcome the challenges of the coronavirus crisis.
KINDERHILFE CHILLAN mainly supports projects in Togo/Africa.
Lenitas gGmbH is involved in youth welfare and child day care.
With the new "Rainbow" project, the Saarland Cancer Society is launching a special experiential education program for children of parents with cancer.
The "Playing at home" project of the SOS Children's Villages association helps to promote child development.
The Bundesverband Kinderhospiz e.V. (German Children's Hospice Association) is the authority for counseling and care for children with life-limiting illnesses and their families.
The prevention program of the Hänsel+Gretel Children's Foundation serves to protect against sexualized violence and boundary violations.
The Child Protection Association works under the motto "Together for the future of all children" as a lobby for children.
The Förderverein KinderLeben e.V. offers individual help for children with life-limiting illnesses and multiple disabilities and their families.
The Herzkrankes Kind Homburg/Saar e.V. association helps children with heart disease in clinical and family settings.
Hilfe für verletzte Kinder-Seelen offers children's grief groups for traumatized children and adolescents.
The Initiative krebskranke Kinder München e.V. helps children with cancer and their families.
As a professional institution, JES gGmbH offers educational guidance and counseling.
The "Children of Chernobyl" association organizes vacation stays for children from Chernobyl.
The aim of the kinderlachen-oldenburg e.V. association is to give children and young people a bit of lightness and "normality".
The Children's Aftercare Clinic Berlin Brandenburg is a recognized rehabilitation facility.
Kisoboka e.V. was founded to give orphans and disadvantaged children in Uganda a better future.
LOOP Kinderhilfe is a children's aid organization that aims to give children a safe home.
McDonald's Kinderhilfe operates Ronald McDonald Houses near children's hospitals throughout Germany as temporary homes for families of seriously ill children.
The MCEDO School is a center for the promotion and development of children and young people from Mathare Valley.
Mobil mit Behinderung e.V. stands for participation in life and the goal of reconciling mobility and disability.
Musik schenkt Lächeln e.V. offers music-making for and with children who find themselves in a precarious situation in order to give them an unforgettable experience.
The Pestalozzi Children's and Youth Village in Stockach-Wahlwies is a youth welfare facility with care in children's village families.
The aim of the Pro Kid e.V. association is to help children and young people with disabilities.
With the new "Rainbow" project, the Saarland Cancer Society is launching a special experiential education program for children of parents with cancer.
SoMA is an initiative for people with anorectal malformations, Hirschsprung's disease and cloacal ecstrophy.
As part of the SINN program, the EIGEN-SINN Foundation is dedicated to children from addicted families.
The foundation "Ein Platz für Kinder" ("A place for children") builds Mattis castles for children affected by violence.
Endowment fund Helft Mathilda collects donations to finance the operations for Mathilda, who suffers from fibular aplasia.
The association TeBihi - für unsere Kinder e. V. supports children from the rural and less privileged regions of Ghana.
The association Schutzengel e.V. supports social institutions that look after the welfare of children in cases of abuse and violence.
aktionkinderschutz e.V. aims to sustainably reduce the number of cases of abuse and violence against children.
aktionkinderschutz e.V. aims to sustainably reduce the number of cases of abuse and violence against children.
To make Finn's everyday life easier, he is to be given an assistance dog.
Beta Humanitarian Help e.V. is an initiative for plastic surgery in the third world.
Help for Jonathan Kremer.
"Sweetheart campaign" from the company proWIN Winter GmbH.
THE CLOWN DOCTORS see themselves as comrades who want to accompany and support "their" little patients in the recovery process.
Since 1984, the Saarland Regional Association of the German Red Cross has been involved in caring for refugees at the Lebach reception center.
Bulli with cassette lift for Pauli.
Therapy dog Lilly helps Cian.
Therapy for Elizaveta Ekimova.
The Förderverein der Klosterbergschule e.V. Schwäbisch Gmünd was founded by committed parents and teachers.
The Herzkrankes Kind Homburg/Saar e.V. association helps children with heart disease in clinical and family settings.
Help for the visually impaired in India.
Hilfe für verletzte Kinder-Seelen offers children's grief groups for traumatized children and adolescents.
The association uses all the money raised to support families with children suffering from cancer.
The Haus der Familie is an association of 3 specialist adult and family education institutions.
Lächelwerk supports children suffering from cancer or other serious chronic illnesses and their families.
Financial support for the purchase of a stairlift.
LAWAN Children's Village in Addis Ababa.
LOOP Kinderhilfe is a children's aid organization that aims to give children a safe home.
Advice and support for people with disabilities and employers in internships and jobs.
Mittendrin- sozial gGmbH has been a recognized provider of independent youth welfare services since 2004.
Sick people and their relatives are accompanied in the children's hospice during the last phase of their lives.
The Antihelden project of the Verein zur Förderung von Jugendlichen offers advice on sexuality and sexualized violence.
The Center for Palliative Medicine and Paediatric Pain Therapy at Homburg University Hospital cares for patients of all ages with incurable diseases.
JuNa project of the Parents' Initiative for Children with Cancer in Saarland: The aim is to give young people the opportunity to exchange ideas with other former patients.
Förderverein "Ehrensache" e.V.: Therapeutic riding for children and young people with disabilities.
HUNKAPI - Verein zur Förderung der Mensch-Tier-Beziehung e.V.: The association uses animals as therapeutic, educational helpers and leisure partners.
The initiative Hilfe für Einzelschicksale international e.V. offers support for disadvantaged people and those in need.
nestwärme e.V. Germany: nestwärme supports and accompanies families with seriously ill or disabled children.
The "Playing at home" project of the SOS Children's Villages association helps to promote child development.
SternenEltern Saarland e.V. provides information on the topics of star children, stillbirth and sudden infant death syndrome and helps those affected to come to terms with their loss.
Angelman is a self-help association by parents for parents whose children have Angelman syndrome.
The aftercare center supports families in overcoming hurdles in the health and social care system.
For many years, CJD Homburg/Saar gGmbH has been very active in the field of sports and health education
Since 1984, the Saarland Regional Association of the German Red Cross has been involved in caring for refugees at the Lebach reception center.
The Förderverein der Biedersbergschule supports the public special school for mental development in the district of Neunkirchen.
Service to society and in particular the well-being of children and young people
The association helps MPS children and their families as well as adult patients to help themselves.
Guarani-Hilfe e. V. (GH) provides sustainable help for self-help.
Children's and youth housing in Hainewalde (House Carola).
The Herzkrankes Kind Homburg/Saar e.V. association helps children with heart disease in clinical and family settings.
Hilfe für verletzte Kinder-Seelen offers children's grief groups for traumatized children and adolescents.
The Kutzhof daycare center also cares for children with developmental delays, disabilities and children at risk of disability.
Regeneration for families with seriously ill children
LOOP Kinderhilfe is a children's aid organization that aims to give children a safe home.
Acute aid (psychosocial emergency care for those affected) and psychosocial emergency care for emergency services in Saarland.
The Martinus-Schule Reinsfeld sees itself as a modern support center with a focus on learning and language.
Sterntaler e.V. offers help for families with a seriously ill/disabled or deceased child.
Outreach for street children and recyclables collectors.
The Strubbelkids help socially disadvantaged children.
Xeroderma pigmentosum, or XP for short, is a very rare hereditary skin disease.
Bafenyi means winner. Bafenyi Trust wants to turn people into winners by changing their lives for the better.
Deutsche Kinderkrebsnachsorge supports children, adolescents and young adults in the fight against their serious chronic illnesses.
The aim of the One World Circle from Limbach is to promote school education in Cameroon.
Help for the needy in Nanyuki
The focus of social-medical aftercare is the organization of a new everyday (family) life with a seriously ill child.
The Förderverein der Förderschule Köln-Poll e.V. supports the school on the Sandberg (Förderschule der Stadt Köln).
The Förderverein der Kinderklinik Kohlhof supports pediatric and adolescent medicine at Marienhaus Klinikum Neunkirchen.
The Gesellschaft für KinderKrebsForschung e.V. is committed to advancing research to help children suffering from cancer.
Herzensengel e.V. offers support for people in need.
Kids-Amani e.V. supports several orphanages in Kenya and is also pursuing the goal of building its own orphanage.
The Oberlinhaus daycare center promotes poverty prevention programs.
Lebenshilfe Starnberg's after-school care centers promote the age-appropriate development of children.
The Friends of the Paul Aldinger School support student projects.
Round Table Germany is a social network that supports a variety of aid campaigns.
Samaritan's Purse (The Good Samaritans) help people in need.
The donation was used to support therapy for Elias, who is severely disabled.
Financial support for a family with two children with severe multiple disabilities.
The Blieskasteler Freunde und Helfer are committed to helping seriously ill children.
Interest group of people with polio.
The association "Hope always remains" wants to ensure that medical care for children in particular does not fail due to financial issues.
The Kirsch family received financial support for their two children suffering from muscular dystrophy.
Support for the school workshop at Eiweiler elementary school.
Remodeling measures for Johanna Mehler.
Katholische KiTa gGmbH Saarland is the non-profit organization responsible for Catholic daycare facilities in Saarland.
The "Children of Chernobyl" association organizes vacation stays for children from Chernobyl.
Lebenshilfe Saarland is committed to meeting the needs of people with intellectual disabilities.
Support for the purchase of a wheelchair-accessible vehicle for Marie Klix.
The Mütterzentrum puts families at the center of its activities.
The Sozialdienst katholischer Frauen e.V. Trier (SkF) supports girls and women in need.
Stars for Kids e.V. is a parents' initiative with the aim of supporting disabled and needy children, young people and their families.
The aim of the association is to strengthen cultural life in the municipality of Heusweiler.
The donation was used to subsidize a sports and games festival for disabled and non-disabled children.
Christoffel-Blindenmission (CBM) is an international development organization for people with disabilities.
The Child Protection Association works under the motto "Together for the future of all children" as a lobby for children.
The grant was used to purchase a transport trailer for the Linsburg volunteer fire department.
All-day schools offer a wide range of activities that are not available in other types of schools.
Guarani-Hilfe e. V. (GH) provides sustainable help for self-help.
The project concerns children in residential groups and care facilities in Saarland.
The "Children of Chernobyl" association organizes vacation stays for children from Chernobyl.
Advice and support for people with disabilities and employers in internships and jobs.
Mobil mit Behinderung e.V. stands for participation in life and the goal of reconciling mobility and disability.
Omaruru Children's Haven is an orphanage in Omaruru, Namibia.
Samaritan's Purse (The Good Samaritans) help people in need.
The Stefan Morsch Foundation has set itself the goal of supporting blood cancer patients and their families.
The association for the support of cochlear-implanted children is committed to helping deaf children.
Wustock combines a sophisticated cultural program with support for social projects.
The German Child Protection Association (DKSB) campaigns for the rights of all children and young people in Germany.
Deutsche Kinderkrebsnachsorge supports children, adolescents and young adults in the fight against their serious chronic illnesses.
Among other things, the non-profit initiative is committed to the wheelchair-friendly design of public living spaces.
Monika Weiss wants to do good for children with the help of the association.
Herzenssache e. V., the children's aid campaign of SWR, SR and Sparda-Bank, is committed to helping children and young people in southwest Germany.
Katholische KiTa gGmbH Saarland is the non-profit organization responsible for Catholic daycare facilities in Saarland.
The donation was used to remove a dilapidated climbing frame and replace it with a new, safe and child-friendly one.
State special school with a focus on "learning" in the district of Neunkirchen.
This non-profit organization cares for and supports seriously ill children and young people. It also helps their families and provides advice and support.
Round Table Germany is a social network that supports a variety of aid campaigns.
Samaritan's Purse (The Good Samaritans) help people in need.
The organization cares for families with chronically ill, cancer-stricken and seriously ill children.
Charity for disabled children.
The proWIN Foundation supports the activities of Tanja Schallenmüller, who uses her stay in Africa to help orphans.
TuS 1860 Neunkirchen e.V. offers numerous sports, training and exercise classes for young children to senior citizens with qualified trainers.
Deutsche Kinderkrebsnachsorge supports children, adolescents and young adults in the fight against their serious chronic illnesses.
The Child Protection Association works under the motto "Together for the future of all children" as a lobby for children.
Hilf-Mit Saarbrücker Zeitung e.V. supports people in need through no fault of their own.
Hubert and Renate Schwarz help children with their foundation.
Friends of the St. Josef Uchtelfangen Catholic Daycare Center.
This non-profit organization cares for and supports seriously ill children and young people. It also helps their families and provides advice and support.
nestwärme e.V. Germany: nestwärme supports and accompanies families with seriously ill or disabled children.
The non-profit organization W.A.L. aims to help people with disabilities to participate in real life as much as possible.
Together with the sponsor proWIN Winter GmbH, a record donation was achieved for the RTL Spendenmarathon.