Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V.

Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe is active in social and charitable areas, such as bereavement counseling.


Lacrima is Johanniter's grief counseling service for children and young people. In the Lacrima grief groups, they find an individual way through their grief. Because children grieve differently to adults, they grieve with all their senses and holistically. They don't need much explaining in the group. In this way, the children manage to integrate the loss into their lives in the two years or so that they attend the fortnightly group sessions. The groups are led by volunteer bereavement counselors who are well trained and who commit their free time.
With Lacrima, we support children and young people who have lost their mother or father or a sibling.
Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V.

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Gabi Winter, Curator
Gabi Winter, Curator