KINDERHILFE CHILLAN mainly supports projects in Togo/Africa.
KINDERHILFE CHILLAN Lebach e.V. was founded in 1978, initially as a children's aid organization for Chile. In the meantime, it mainly supports projects in Togo/Africa:
  • The organisation provides 100 AIDS orphans with board and lodging and pays school fees.
  • Three times a week, around 350 schoolchildren receive a warm meal at the school in the poor rural community of Hangoumé. Teachers' salaries are also paid.
  • Scholarships for school and vocational training provide access to further education.
  • A hospital was co-financed in the poor neighbourhood of Adamavo in Lomé.
  • Eye operations for children and adults prevent impending blindness.
  • The organisation supports the school for the blind in Togoville, which would have to close without our help.

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Gabi Winter, Curator
Gabi Winter, Curator