Fotocredit: Riccardo Niels Mayer -

Maisha Madrugada Foundation

In April 2024, the proWIN Foundation once again donated EUR 20,000 to support orphans in Kenya.
This donation is part of our long-term commitment with our local partner, the Maisha Madrugada Foundation. The aim of this collaboration is to support three orphanages in Kenya and provide the children with access to school fees and food.
This meaningful project began during a trip by Ingolf, Sascha and Michael Winter to Kenya. On this trip, they experienced first-hand how urgently help was needed and how much the children in the orphanages depended on support. Impressed by the situation and the commitment of the Maisha Madrugada Foundation, they decided to provide long-term aid. Since then, we have been providing 20,000 euros a year to sustainably improve the living conditions of the orphans.
Our annual donation of 20,000 euros is carefully used to offer the children in the orphanages a stable and hopeful future. The funds are used to cover the school fees that give the children access to education - a crucial factor for their future prospects. In addition, we ensure that the children are provided with sufficient food to guarantee a balanced diet.

Möchtest auch du dich in dieses großartige Projekt einbringen und den Waisenkindern in Kenia helfen?

Hier hast du auch die Möglichkeit, direkt ein Spendenformular auszufüllen. Jeder gespendete Cent kommt zu 100% bei unseren Projekten an und trägt dazu bei, das Leben der Kinder zu verbessern und ihnen eine bessere Zukunft zu ermöglichen.
Together we can change the lives of these children and create a better future. Your contribution, whatever the amount, makes a difference. Support the proWIN Foundation and our local partners in Kenya to give the orphans hope and a perspective. Thank you for your support!

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Gabi Winter, Curator
Gabi Winter, Curator