Sterntaler e.V.

Sterntaler e.V. offers help for families with a seriously ill/disabled or deceased child.
Sternentaler is a tax-exempt association. A project that offers help for self-help.

"We look after families with a seriously ill/disabled or deceased child and include them in our closed Facebook group. There they have the opportunity to get to know other affected people and exchange ideas. In this way, we bring these people, big and small, out of their isolation. Together with the many people who contact us to accompany or support such a family, we weave a net that catches and holds them. One that helps them to survive. With the donations, we light their lights in the darkness and support them in various areas. We take care of the whole family, help the dads and storm siblings through their storm and offer the children visits from therapy dogs. On our Sternentalers page, we also address all the problems, challenges and concerns of these families, creating more understanding and tolerance."

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Gabi Winter, Curator
Gabi Winter, Curator