Gesellschaft für Mukopolysaccharidosen e.V.

The association helps MPS children and their families as well as adult patients to help themselves.

Discover and promote self-confidence

"I am valuable. - Discovering and promoting self-confidence." This is not only the title of the fifth meeting and experience days for young people with MPS in 2018, but above all their aim: to strengthen the abilities and particular strengths of 12 to 16-year-olds, expand their boundaries and gain new experiences. This time at a water sports center that specializes in people with mobility and other disabilities and thinks "in terms of possibilities, not limitations". Because having MPS means being affected by a rare life-shortening metabolic disease with a progressive course that leads to severe impairments. For those affected, MPS e. V. is the only point of contact in Germany. The association offers MPS children and their families as well as adult patients help for self-help, advice, networking and target group-related events.

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Gabi Winter, Curator
Gabi Winter, Curator