Stiftung Kinder-Hospiz Sternenbrücke

Sick people and their relatives are accompanied in the children's hospice during the last phase of their lives.
Since 2003, the Sternenbrücke children's hospice has been helping terminally ill children, young people and, since 2010, young adults (up to the age of 27) to lead a dignified life until their death.

The sick young people and their relatives are lovingly supported not only in the last phase of their lives, but also during the illness, which often lasts for many years. As part of respite care, families can be admitted to the children's hospice for at least 28 days a year to recharge their batteries and find respite for the difficult journey ahead. Sternenbrücke continues to stand by the affected families even after the serious loss of the sick child.

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Gabi Winter, Curator
Gabi Winter, Curator