Herzenssache e.V.

Herzenssache e. V., the children's aid campaign of SWR, SR and Sparda-Bank, is committed to helping children and young people in southwest Germany.


"Every child in Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland has the chance to grow up happy. That is our vision and Herzenssache e. V. makes an important contribution to this."

With its broad network of help, Herzenssache e. V. is rooted in south-west Germany and comes a good deal closer to its major goal with every donation: to give children and young people living in south-west Germany equal opportunities in the long term!


Protecting, supporting and empowering children and young people - that is the aim of Herzenssache.

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Gabi Winter, Curator
Gabi Winter, Curator