aktionkinderschutz e.V.

aktionkinderschutz e.V. aims to sustainably reduce the number of cases of abuse and violence against children.


One of the most effective methods of protecting children from lifelong suffering is prevention.

Aktionkinderschutz e.V. is the only organization that offers educational prevention against abuse and violence for 6 to 8 year olds and has been campaigning for prevention work against child abuse and violence nationwide since 2005.

"We have made it our mission to provide teaching materials to enable prevention lessons at regional, state and national elementary school. Our aim is for prevention of abuse and violence to be included as a fundamental part of the elementary school curriculum. This is the only way to ensure that all children are reached and that the children's environment can also be sensitized."


The donation was used to finance teaching materials.
  • Teaching materials Lisa and Paul discover the world
  • Handout for teachers
  • Workbook on the prevention of abuse and violence against children for primary schools in grades 1 and 2 nationwide

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Gabi Winter, Curator
Gabi Winter, Curator