Förderverein Klosterbergschule e.V.

The Förderverein der Klosterbergschule e.V. Schwäbisch Gmünd was founded by committed parents and teachers.


The Klosterberg School will receive a new playground with the renovation in 2018, which will finally be suitable for vehicles such as scooters, Kettcar or tricycles. The long-awaited vehicles can then be used on the level playground. These are intended for children and young people up to the age of 12/13 to make exercise fun during break and sports times.

The various means of transportation are not only fun (especially that!) - they also improve the pupils' balance and coordination skills. In addition to the physical challenge, spatial awareness is also trained. Foresight and planning are required when driving. Vehicles with a passenger seat enable cooperative play, and physically disabled pupils can be integrated very well into the game. Compliance with rules and consideration can be practiced in the playground traffic. The quality of breaks and free lesson times is significantly improved by children's vehicles.


The educational facility's equipment is to be optimised in order to provide even better support for the children.

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Gabi Winter, Curator
Gabi Winter, Curator