9th July 2024, Schiffweiler (Saarland)

proWIN Foundation donates 190,000 euros for children's aid projects

On 9 July, the proWIN Foundation presented a total of 190,000 euros to 18 different aid organisations for children and young people in need at a handover ceremony in Reden. Their respective projects were presented in the presence of politicians and the press.
The range of humanitarian efforts was demonstrated on this day. The sponsored projects have different approaches, but all pursue the same goal: to support affected children and young people.
Gabi Winter, curator of the proWIN Foundation, on the reasons behind her commitment: "There are circumstances in life that have a significant impact on children's future prospects, often in a tragic way. These can be caused by violence, illness, war and social disadvantage. It is important to us to support affected girls and boys, whether directly on our doorstep or abroad. Because we know from our many years of work: Child distress is not only multifaceted, but also unbound by nationality."
The following organisations - based in Germany, France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Austria, Italy, Switzerland and the Netherlands - received a donation cheque for their national or international work:
  • Doctors Without Borders e. V.
  • Ronald McDonald House Homburg (Germany/Saarland)
  • Saar Children's Hospice and Palliative Care Team (Germany/Saarland)
  • Saar Child Protection Association (Germany/Saarland)
  • Clinic for paediatric and adolescent medicine Winterberg (Germany/Saarland)
  • KINDER-Not-Hilfe-SAAR e. V. (Germany/Saarland)
  • Kinderhilfe e. V. Saar (Germany/Saarland)
  • SOS-Kinderdorf Saar (Germany/Saarland)
  • Mogli Zentrum für Kinder- Jugend- und Familienhilfe UG (Germany/Saarland)
  • Schattenkinder e. V. (Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia)
  • Kinderhilfe Chillan Lebach e. V. (Germany/Saarland)
  • Theodora Foundation (Switzerland)
  • Help without Frontiers EO (Italy)
  • Fondation Autisme Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
  • Rainbows - Association for children in turbulent times (Austria)
  • Leergeld (Netherlands)
  • Pelicano Foundation (Belgium)
  • docteur CLOWN (France)

Brief information proWIN Foundation

The proWIN Foundation was established in 2010 by the Winter/Schäfer family of entrepreneurs. The foundation, which has legal capacity, aims to sustainably improve the living conditions of children in need in Germany and abroad. The funds provided are channelled into social projects for children and young people worldwide. Since its establishment, the proWIN Foundation has supported worldwide projects totalling 8.3 million euros.

Press contact

Press office proWIN Winter GmbH
Simone Schmitt: 06825-9201-562
e-mail: presse@prowin.net
