Funding gala 2018

The pro Saarland Foundation Gala is a funding campaign organised by the proWIN Foundation and the proWIN pro nature Foundation.
The proWIN Foundation, which supports children's aid projects in Germany and abroad, and the proWIN pro nature Foundation, which is dedicated to protecting the environment and nature, make this support possible - generously sponsored by the Illingen-based sales company proWIN Winter GmbH. Only projects that fulfil the respective foundation regulations can be supported. The goals anchored therein are:
  • proWIN Foundation: Help for sick and needy children as well as educational fields and tasks related to this goal.
  • proWIN pro nature Foundation: Environmental and species protection including the fields of environmental education and training.

The 2018 winners

Supported by the proWIN foundation

The 2018 winners

Supported by the proWIN pro nature foundation
  • Bliestalschule Oberthal – Bee project
  • Boch Schule Merzig – Sustainable through life
  • Fischereiverband Saar KöR – Saving the native crayfish in Saarland
  • GGS Neunkirchen – Forest classroom
  • Gnadenhof Eiweiler – New shelter
  • Gnadenhof Schiffweiler – New stables
  • Grundschule Gödenroth – Outdoor kitchen in the school garden
  • Grundschule Köllerbach – Green classroom
  • Gymnasium Johanneum – Gardening club
  • Kirschhofer Tierarche – Reconstruction of outdoor facilities
  • Kita Hand in Hand – Kita garden
  • Neunkirchen district – Finkenrech farm garden
  • Natur und Vogelschutzverein Bliesmengen-Bolchen – Reintroduction of yellow-bellied toads
  • City of Blieskastel - Schellental adventure forest
  • The Blue Mind – Reconstruction of the Meeresmobil
  • Verein für europäische Umweltbildung und Umwelterziehung e. V. – Plastic forever?
  • Wiwo e. V. – Wir wollen was bewegen!
  • Wunderkind Saarland – Elfental nature playground


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Gabi Winter, Curator
Gabi Winter, Curator